Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Colosseum - Rome, Italy

Welcome to the Colosseum located in the wonderful ancient city of Rome, Italy. Built in 70 AD and approximately finished in 80 AD. This bad boy held the gladiator games as well as executions and other public events, when you think of them you think "oh cool", but then you realize that 500,000 people and over a million animals died in that Colosseum. Killing animals was the opening act... Gross!

However, on a happier note... It is considered one of the greatest works of Roman architecture and Roman engineering. It can could hold 50,000 spectators and when entering they even had tickets like we do today although it was written on a piece of pottery it did have a seat # and section!

When we first entered the city on the way to the hotel to drop off our bags, I saw the Colosseum for the first time with my very own eyes. It took me by surprise, like a "was that the, holy crap it is, it really is the Colosseum" moment. So I took a deep breath and just took it all in, what a perfect moment.

I will sum it up by saying that the Colosseum blew my mind. I could of wandered around in there all day. You could almost hear the Gladiator games in the background.

I love you Rome.


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