Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I am a Berliner

It came down to the wire if I was even able to make the trip to Berlin due to my back.  I had been forced to cancel job interviews and even my QVC seminar.

Out of no where late Thursday I felt the bulging disk pop back into place and the biggest feeling of relief one can imagine. So at that point I'm just left with mild pain and soreness.  I decide to medicate myself and head to Berlin.  This girl must travel.

Berlin was a lot better than I gave it credit for prior to our arrival.

Besides the fact that the currywurst was invented in Berlin and it being the largest city in Germany, Berlin is beautiful, an architectural dreamland, every building was unique.  They all flowed together as if they were all built with the other in mind unlike some cities in America where we just get in a hurry and start throwing ugly buildings up left and right. I love my heartland don't get me wrong, but we need better architects and city planners (that's just my opinion)...

Berlin got the shit kicked out of during World War II and due to that nasty mess the city is mostly brand new which is probably why it is so beautiful.

Now for some cool pictures...

Reichstag (Parliament)
The top has a glass dome with a spiral staircase all the way to the top. Picture does not give it justice.

To the right is a former city gate and one of the main symbols of Berlin and Germany, "Brandenburg Gate" and to its left is the back side of the U.S. Embassy, you can see the American Flag if you look close enough.

The Holocaust Memorial located next to the U.S. Embassy.  Located just one block from the Brandenburg Gate.

This jacket/picture makes me look heavy. Anyways... Behind me is what's left of the disgusting Berlin Wall (1961-1989) There was more built than just this wall to keep people from crossing. There was also the "death strip"

Checkpoint Charlie was the name given by the Western Allies to the best-known Berlin Wall crossing point between East Germany and West Germany during the Cold War

 Checkpoint Charlie street view - warning this is a replica -

More of Checkpoint Charlie area...

President JFK and his "I am a Berliner" speech - June 26, 1963

Standing outside Ka De We department store, the largest dept. store in Europe... running neck and neck with Harrod's in London.
(I have no idea who the guy is that refused to move)

Unique traffic light symbols for the East.
The west ones were like the ones we have in the States.

The East side unique go symbol.

As for the next Berlin blog you will see the funny and weird stuff we found along the way...


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