Thursday, August 26, 2010

Trill Farm to River Cottage Uphill Hike

One view of River Cottage Farm

I woke to seeing the farmhouse lady, Romy, chopping down the sunflower seeds outside our window for our "soaked oats". Oh yeah, soaked oats, she means oatmeal aka porridge, NOPE, she means oats that are soaked.  About 4 tablespoons per bowl to be exact.  I thought oh my I'm not going to like this, but I gave it a try and ate all of it.  Not because it was delicious, but because I was hungry and it wasn't terrible.  The strawberries and banana that I had with me helped add some flavor.  Romy seemed pretty ticked off that I brought two different plastic containers for my fruit. Whatever Romy! I was traveling across the country was I suppose to hold it in my hands the whole time?! Geez.

Romy also let me have it over a comment I made. It went like this:
Romy: I thought you didn't want any coffee?
Me: Oh I changed my mind as women do.
Romy: Oh they do? In her very feminist has no idea what I'm talking about tone.
Me: Bit my lip and went to the table to finish my breakfast
Ena: Dying laughing in the background.

The view walking away from Trill Farm. By that tent I'd say that you really could camp there.
Another stunning view on our uphill hike to the other farm
Red Cows
Sheep wondering what in the world we were doing in their hood. They must have smelled the city on us.
 We got packed up and off we go for our 30 minute walk up hill to the neighboring River Cottage Farm.  We walked passed chickens, pigs, red cows, tons of sheep, a bunny rabbit, black and white cows, and a ton of poo!
And then we arrived at River Cottage Farm where we turned the corner and were met by a yert!  I'd never been in a yert before. What's a yert you ask? It's this:
upscale tee-pee
animals skins covering the hay bails
River Cottage also has a class on how to make this clay oven
Alright...The reason why we went on this journey is coming up next... Bread Class!


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