Monday, June 28, 2010

Bill Clinton

While watching the USA lose to Ghana for the second time during the World Cup I spotted my boy Bill Clinton in the crowd. He was hanging with Mick Jagger as he should.  Seeing him made me remember taking this picture of him and Winnie Ford.

It was during Hillary's run for President that former President Bill Clinton came to Nashville to speak at Fisk University, a school that was low on funds at the time and about to shut its doors.  They let approximately 1,000 people in and my friend and I were 2 of the lucky 1,000.  We were even lucky (sneaky) enough to get in the first 20 rows.

After his inspirational speech, we made our way to the circle where he was shaking hands and signing his book, etc... We were eager to try and get a picture. We didn't succeed.

HOWEVER, out of no where someone screams a "99 year old woman in the back would like to meet you and its her birthday" HE ACTUALLY HEARD THIS and sure enough they walked right by me and stopped, I offered to take a picture and mail it to her. He grabbed my hand and told me, "There needs to be more kind people in this world like you, Thank you". 

I snapped the picture and mailed it to Winnie Ford immediately.  About a week later I received a very sweet Thank You card in the mail.

I didn't get a picture of Bill and I, but I still really enjoy telling the story.

I can at least show A picture with Bill to prove I was there.

I wonder if Winnie really did turn 99 that day? hmmm.


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