Monday, January 31, 2011

3 Day Birthday Bash Recap

You don't turn 35 every day so I decided to well.... ya know..... to make a big deal out of it... and soooo I did!

I started with a pre-birthday dinner with some dear friends at one of my favorite cozy spots near St. Pauls "Amico Bio" I love their smoke cheese ravioli!

Friday, my actual birthday, I was a little lazy in the morning, received some beautiful roses from Mike... Mike's buddy from NYC flew in and brought my favorite oatmeal which brought a smile to my face.

and then off to Hershesons with a great friend to get a B52 Blowout.  How did it turn out? A bit too "beehivey", but I worked it.
birthday beehive
After the blowout I was off to the most adorable tiny pub that will remain nameless because I want it to stay mine and not yours (insert greedy laughter here) for a birthday celebration with my London peeps, we've nicknamed ourselves "Team Fun" which I think is pretty fitting. We got there at 6pm and stayed until close to 1am...when they were kicking us out(they were closing) (insert sad face). Cheers to those few that got kicked out with us! Bravo!

Here are a few highlights of the party:
I was told not to try to blow that out... I'm also holding a special birthday beverage that Venez had the bartender make up for me. It was delicious! Way to go Venez.
London peeps...they were all given a birthday blessing with my birthday wand.
last ones standing... cheers to my birthday beverage!

The next day believe it our not we woke up and high tailed to Westminster Abbey for an 11am verger led tour that was simply amazing!  I love that Abbey. So much history lies in those beautiful walls.  Then we were off to have dinner at my favorite pizza place "Otto" in Notting Hill... then we had a night cap at a crazy pub called "The Gold" on Portobello. We thought we were all in some kind of strange movie.

Sunday was suppose to be a day of rest, but instead Mike was the one that rested and I sat in front of the computer trying to book a girls trip to Thailand.

Thank you all for the terrific birthday wishes, presents, and just remembering me.
I had a fantastic birthday!

Hugs to All,

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