Tuesday, March 15, 2011


If you like American pancakes and you live in London you need to read the below ASAP!

I recently found Betty Crocker "AMERICAN PANCAKE" shake and pour mix at Waitrose at Westfield London!  For only 99 pence!!

Now to see if I can get them to carry Quacker Oats Maple and Brown Sugar Oatmeal packs...

Here is a picture to prove it:
Waitrose @ Westfield London


  1. Thanks so much for this post. I am leaving for the airport tonight and I was going to pack the pancake mix - however - now I am stuck for what to take for family and friends. Is there anything American you can't get in London???

  2. You are very welcome. hmmm... Not sure if they are coffee drinkers, but I havent been able to find flavored coffee creamer yet or Dunkin' Donuts coffee. My husband always ask for McCormicks Lemon Pepper California Style which cracks me up. He loves it and I cant find it in London yet. Hidden Valley Ranch powder can be found here but it is REALLY expensive... Decent maple syrup is also really expensive here...I would pack the pancake mix anyways. One will never be sad over getting pancake mix :) Safe travels!
