Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Oxford vs. Cambridge: Boat Race 2011

Oxford vs. Cambridge: Boat Race 2011

A race that has been around for 150+ years....  Sunday we made our way down to Furnival Gardens and checked out one of the biggest races and crowds of the year... It was a ton of fun and if you don't already know Oxford won...

Ah the Tube on a busy Sunday...
I was also randomly picked by two guys for a YouTube video about the race I "on purpose" never raised my sunglasses.  I'm curious to know if they will ever email me the link... we shall see... with my luck I'll end up on some crazy billboard... oh well... we shall see...

Here are some pictures of the race and everything else:
just before the race...

these two pigs out in the open was a bit much...
Here they come... Oxford in the lead
Oxford Vs. Cambridge: Boat Race 2011

Oxford Vs. Cambridge: Boat Race 2011
Oxford Vs. Cambridge: Boat Race 2011
Oxford Vs. Cambridge: Boat Race 2011

Oxford Vs. Cambridge: Boat Race 2011
There they go... Oxford Vs. Cambridge: Boat Race 2011

so glad I wasnt standing on this when they went by...

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