Saturday, March 26, 2011

St. Bride's Church

Okay, by now you know that I like this place...  Apparently I'm not the only one because every time it has been destroyed it has been rebuilt on the exact same spot. Rebuilt 8 TIMES. Yes, EIGHT TIMES.
St. Brides Church in Fleet Street, London EC4
This church is filled with history... I have listed a few things below... enjoy and go visit...

Christians have been worshiping here for more than 1500 years.

This was the venue for the marriage of the parents of Virgina Dare, the first European child to be born in Colonial American in 1587.

The church spire was the highest that Wren ever built.

The parish church of Henry VIII.

A bomb dropped on the church in 1940 and with that they discovered the crypts which also led to the discovery of the pavement that the Roman walked in AD 180.

Samuel Pepys was baptized here.

Here Benjamin Franklin designed a lightening conductor for their unique "Wedding Cake" steeple.

Here the art of church bell-ringing was created.

The first printing press with movable type was brought here by Wynkin de Worde in 1500.  This is the reason why some referred to the church as "Printers Cathedral" or "Journalists Church"...

Dr. Samuel Johnson lived across the street and Charles Dickens lived just up the road.

What an exciting place Fleet Street must of been back in the day.  I would have loved to experience that kind of energy.

As I always say, If you haven't walk by St. Brides Church, do so. If you haven't been in and walked around, do so.
St. Brides Church

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