Thursday, April 14, 2011

China: Any suggestions?

CHINA: Any suggestions?

I'll start this blog by saying that Mike once said in response to me wanting us to go to Asia, "I never want to go to Asia"....

Now let's begin...

The McCooeys are headed to China (Mike finally came around) for the first time in about a week and are terribly excited! Not only to see China, but I am sure I will starve along the way which will cause me to lose some weight! Yay! Just in time for summer!

If you watch the show "An Idiot Abroad", I'm sure I'll be just like Karl and eat chips aka crisps the majority of the time.  He was forced to eat toad at one point. He didn't like it thought. He also walked through a food market and there were a lot of fried insects on a stick on offer. I'm not sure I ever want to eat a fried scorpion on a stick. Heck, I won't even eat a corn dog on a stick.

We are going to Beijing and Hong Kong to be exact.  So I'm looking for suggestions...

If you've been and would like to tell me about "you must go here" ,"see this", "eat this", or "dont do this" please leave a comment or just email me directly. (Thanks in advance)

By the way, I'm pretty sure we already know about the Great Wall so no need to tell me about it (insert giggle here).

I did read that Hong Kong has a Disneyland and since I've never been to a Disneyland I'm toying with the idea of going. When I say this Mike just looks at me with this weird look... They even have their own Disney Train line just for their Disneyland. How convenient is that?!

By the way, did you know that fortune cookies are not popular there? They aren't according to the Food Network... I will see for myself.

We, of course, do not know any Chinese so I will be making signs and looking up words like: toilet, water, Great Wall, taxi, help, airport, please take me to my hotel, etc...  This would have been very helpful in Thailand.  I did finally start carrying around the word toilet with me which I actually used a couple of times. Hey, when you gotta go you gotta go.

I like to ramble on sometimes... can you tell?

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