Wednesday, April 27, 2011

London Living: A night out with expats

London Living: A night out with expats!

If you live in London, new to London, about to move to London and want to meet some new people then you should join London Living.

My friend Colleen runs the online social community and does a fantastic job. It's all free, seriously!! She's just that cool of a person! London Living will help you in many different aspects of your upcoming move or your new move if you are already here...

Check it out: London Living

Need proof that you can meet fun people?
Here are some pictures of the latest pub social at The Porthouse in Covent Garden.
The London Living ladies and visitor Chris Cannon

Colleen our fearless leader and London visitor, Chris Cannon from News Channel 5

so much fun that some how my husband ended up with stickers on his shoe
Mike had to hide his shiny North Face logo

Delirium anyone?

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