Monday, April 11, 2011

Putney Bridge: At 9am on a Saturday

A Saturday or so ago, we decided to go cheer on our friend Kristin who was rowing in a race. The exact same route as Oxford vs. Cambridge did a couple weekends ago.  The race started early and since none of us have cars we had to rely on public transportation... 

We arrived at 940am... the race was suppose to start at 945am.  I was practicing using my sign and cheering for the random rowers that we spotted when we first walked up to the bridge.

All of a sudden my phone rings and its Kristin my initial thought was why aren't you rowing???!!!!  She said I saw that you called real early this morning... Where are you? I said we are on Putney Bridge where are you?  Then she said it "The race is tomorrow".  Me, Ena, and Mike wanted to die.  As you tell by the looks on our faces below we nearly did.  That was Kristin on the phone in the picture.

Did we go to the race on Sunday? No, sorry we were done. The stars were just not aligned.

The upside? Ena came to our place beforehand and I made us all pancakes, scrambled eggs and a bowl of mixed fruit. Yum!

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