Thursday, July 7, 2011

The McCooeys are flat hunting...

If you haven't heard we are flat hunting... contrary to what Mr. McCooey would lead you to believe the process is not fun.  Yesterday I saw 8 flats in 6 hours stretching from Westminster to Earls Court with 3 different agents.  As well as, viewing a few others prior to yesterday...

I'll give you an idea of the good, the bad, and the beautiful through a few pictures... I won't be telling you any specifics though just in case we actually put in an offer... wouldn't want to help anyone bid against me (smile)...

That table is way too big for this room... and the beds frames were ridiculously cheap in this unit, but holy cow did it have a huge terrace. I so want a terrace (balcony) right now for some reason...

how cute would it be to live in a little mews just a stones throw from Harrods and Harvey Nichols? The layout was a bit weird in this one... Kitchen and dining room downstairs...everything else upstairs... it felt more like a hotel...

This one was a flat on Pimlico... that was the view from every window. NO THANKS!

Not that our 9 boxes of stuff here would fill that bookcase, but my oh my how cute is that ladder!

Love the navy walls against the white trim

yeah i could totally cook in that kitchen
anywho... tomorrow I'm off to see another flat. This one is a 3 bedroom and has surround sound in the ceilings...should be interesting... Stay tuned...


  1. aaaaaahhh... well, all this looks too nice for me (I mean, specially the last two pics!!). If you don't want them, can I have them? :)

    Up to now my searching is really really limited... I hope to get something more done when august comes along!

  2. have you looked at its a pretty decent site for flat hunting... goodluck!
