Friday, September 30, 2011

Step away from the Lime!

Yesterday after doing some shopping with a friend on Regents Street we decided to take a break from the maddening crowds and head to the patio area of Tortilla on Market Place for a bucket of Corona, only £12 and comes with free tortilla chips (not a bad deal in London).  So as we were basking in the sunshine and squeezing the lime juice into our Corona's a man comes up behind me and says, "I can show you a better way of doing that" apparently he did not like me just holding the wedge over the bottle with super precision I might add and just squeezing the juice into the bottle. Just so you know... I do that because 1) I dont like the oils that release from the peel of the lime in my beer 2) the cleanliness of said wedge is questionable because I am not the one who cut it up and stuck it in the mouth of my beer bottle... see... now... it makes a little more sense... I'm not just some freak with germ issues... well... maybe I am, but I still don't like the oils from the peel... so there (said with crossed arms and perfect posture)...

Ok, sorry... I'll stop rambling now and get back to the dude... So I for some reason said, "sure", thinking he'd show me on HIS bottle! NOPE, he reaches into our bucket and TOUCHES NOT ONLY THE LIME WEDGE BUT THE MOUTH OF THE BOTTLE!!!

I cringed! oh yeah, and somewhat screamed, "STEP AWAY FROM THE LIME, SIR, STEP AWAY FROM THAT CORONA". He let go and ran away while I immediately tossed the touched wedge and cleaned the mouth of the bottle. I did this while saying and repeating out loud "oh my god oh my god I can't believe he did that"...

I then hear a teenage giggle behind me.  I turn around, it was the son of the dude who just tainted my Corona that was giggling... he was sitting with his father (the wedge toucher) and his Mom (wife of said wedge toucher)

At this point, I felt kind of bad for some reason, laughed, and said, "Sorry, I'm just a bit of a germophob" and turned around and tried to forget that it EVER happened.

By the way, Cantina Laredo in Covent Garden is having a deal in October.  50% off Herradura Maragarita's every Wednesday in October.


  1. I don't like sketchy dudes touching my drink garnishes either.

  2. I would have yelled with you! My boss saw a news story researching how clean lemons and limes were in restaurants. Can you believe they found multiple cases of feces on them?!? YES...FECES!!! How gross!!! So needless to say, I forgo the lemons and limes in restaurants! I am scarred for life now!
