Thursday, March 25, 2010

Goods @ Brick Lane

If you are ever in the need of just about anything head to Brick Lane!

Here are just a few of the things I spotted along my exploration of this glorious area of London.

 This van from the future.

Spitafield's Market

Glorious Brick Lane on a sunny Sunday

Who doesn't love a good wrestling mask?!  Compliments of the Backyard Market

Of all the flags I could find at a market in the UK... I find this one... It made me smile! Although the way it was hung did not, but I kept my mouth shut (this time).

If you are looking for hats that resemble lunch? You can find it on Brick Lane.
Club Sandwich or Cake anyone?

Or if you are in need of an old school PINK sink? You can find it at Brick Lane.

Or if you'd just like to pick up a table game with a stranger they have tables available at no charge... Thank you Brick Lane, you just think of everything!

or just grab a beer and hang out in the beer garden and people watch until you are cross eyed.

Whatever you fancy you are without a doubt going to fancy Brick Lane and its surroundings on a Sunday...


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