Monday, March 22, 2010

The stomach of Brick Lane
Tube: Aldgate East or Liverpool Street
Hours: Sunday 10-6pm

If you dig curry food this is where you want to be. 

Looking for a perfect Sunday in London? Spend it at Brick Lane and its surrounding markets! We went yesterday and loved it!

I'm going to start with the food! Holy Crap I've never seen so many different kinds of food and it ALL look so delicious!

I started with donuts from Lip Lickers ~ 50p per donut and they were OH SO GOOD, watch out Krispy Kreme.

Then I moved on to Tacos Chili Con Carne (Kill me) It was so spicey! You may notice the snow peas (odd) and the water sour cream oh yeah and the cheesey rice that they are sitting on...£4.50 and it weighed about 5 lbs.

Mike choose Chinese. I don't think he has had it since we've moved here... He said it was pretty tasty.

This is a Falafel and a Cup Cake station side by side. Now how many times in your life are you ever going to see that?

This picture proves you can eat anything at Brick Lane. On the grill they were grilling whole fish. Head and all.

Yes, Sri Lankan Food! You would never see that in Nashville.

All the people trying to get their grub on.

The Rootmaster ~ A cute double decker bus "bustaurant"~ They serve up vegan stuff

This area of town on a Sunday is a must! You can visit many markets, the UpMarket, Backyard Market, Spitafields Market, Columbia Road Flower Market, you name it and its in this area. It's a market lovers paradise.

More on the Markets next time... teaser: A fancy club sandwich hat


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