Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Athens, Greece

Athens, Greece~ May 2010
Mike & I finally took a trip that lasted longer than 2 days somewhere. Yah!

I have been nagging him for years to go to Greece and so we finally made it! 9 glorious days! A couple in Athens and the rest in Santorini (Oia).

We started out the trip by freaking out over the news of the protesting by their Parliament.  I called our hotel and they told me we weren't even close to the area where they blew up the bank. Well... when we got there we learned it was just around the corner... Oh well...

I took pictures of it, but I'm second guessing posting them.

We stayed at the AVA Hotel located in the Plaka, our balcony had a view to the left of Hadrian's Arch and the the right was the Acropolis (yes I'm spoiled) and I also have a husband who is terribly picky when it comes to his hotel.

Yes, that's an American flag you see waving majestically from our hotel room balcony, our door opened up right where the American flag was.

Some Highlights of our time in Athens:

Our AVA hotel room #202:

The Parthenon (insert a dream come true here)

Tasty Greek food & beverages by the bay at a place called Aapafka (I think)

Temple of Zeus (located beside the Hadrian's Arch)
It started with like 104 columns and today only 15/16 remain. The last column fell during a storm in 1852.

Acropolis behind me (can't help but smile when I type that)

Changing of the guards at Parliament

 Brettos, a very cute place to have a drink. However, we didn't actually like the drinks we ordered. I actually ordered a rum cocktail, a specialty of theirs, and Mike ordered Ouzo. Both were bad, at least in our opinion. Next time I will stick to beer or order some of their wine. It's a place cute enough to go back to. Located in the Plaka.

We also had dinner and then lunch the next day at a place called Moma Rest & Cafe, their Greek Salad is one of the best that we have ever had. Risotto was oh so tasty! Fava Bean Dip was delicious and not what we expected. Mike got a grilled platter and loved it.

Just a couple not so great moments:

Mike's sun burn. OUCH! He even got burned on the backs of his knees. Double Ouch!

  • Another low moment was when yet another taxi driver ripped us off. Fare should of been 7 and he charged us 15 and tried to push us to eat at his buddies restaurant. No worries though because I tracked his butt down and told him off afterward. Those guys give cabbies a bad reputation.

  • Oh yeah, one more thing DO NOT DO THE CITY SIGHTSEEING TOUR it is 18 Euros and SUCKS. Do the 5 euro train ride instead. It does the exact same route. The bus tour was awful. Lesson learned.

  • We flew Olympic Airlines there and then again to Santorini. I gotta admit these guys are new, but definitely know what they are doing.

Off to Santorini! Happy 6th Wedding Anniversary!


1 comment:

  1. hey your pics look great! i cant wait to take some of my own when im in athens next month!it is a trip ive been looking forward to for a very long time! your tips are great! ive been really looking into info on athens and have been using as my guide! hey have loads of info on what to do and generally of what this city has to offer!
