Thursday, August 26, 2010

Lyme Regis, England

So we arrived in Lyme Regis "the pearl of Dorset" known around the world for their fossil collecting and where we were met with pouring down rain.  Ena quickly realized that her jacket was not waterproof and had to buy a One Size Fits All Poncho.
 Ena and her new poncho
Ena off to ask the family for directions to Charmouth so we could hike. We were unsuccessful.
We later make our way to the Tourist Information office. We get there and were met with stories of doom and disaster.  Recent landslide in Charmouth for example:
The lady we spoke to should not be working in the tourist office...library maybe, but definitely not the tourist office. After giving Ena 40 pieces of literature one of which she made Ena pay for we asked "Ok so what CAN we do?" She suggested we go see a show at the Theater, "A Rats Tale" was playing (a childrens play) or maybe go to the cinema and see "Toy Story"...Not really what we were looking for... So after our 2nd trip to the tourist office she told us about a Lyme Regis walk which we did and it was actually quite lovely. Here are some things we spotted along the way:
simply adorable.
A cute village
Ena sat down on every bench we passed. This was while we were eating some delicious ice cream that we bought from the cheesemonger
A cute tea room where I bought Mike piccalilli that he is afraid to eat.
A mom and pop pottery shop operation. Owned by Don & his wife. No shipping to London so don't even ask. No credit card machine so bring your cash. He will give you a bag if you buy something but don't push your luck asking for a business card. 4 questions is about Don's max.
Ena and her new bowls. Don warned her not to get to close to the kiln in her outfit aka flammable poncho.
The view was stunning. It was this amazing on a fogging/hazzy/rainy day so I can only imagine how beautiful it is on a sunny day.
It was freezing outside and yes people were swimming...Burrr....
The picture above is the area of our hike where we lost sidewalk and Ena wanted to continue, even after I heard a car and threw her into the brick wall to save her life.  She was wearing this bright orange jacket that I think she felt gave her super powers.  I made it known that I did not feel safe and I did not approve of walking any further.  She was persistent enough to walk ahead and see what was around the corner.  She came back and talked me into continuing. I stated first that if I were killed I wanted "ENA DID THIS" on my tombstone.  She bribed me with the tease that there was thatched roof ahead. What can I say I'm a sucker for a thatched roof.
Example of a thatched roof
A cute stream with a family wading in the frigid water while we strolled along the paved path...
We even passed a gaggle of ducks/geese on our stroll
After Ena nearly caused me to be ran over at high speed she stopped to smell the flowers.
After the hike it was time to eat. We found this cool place called The Town Mill Bakery at the beginning of our walk/hike.

This room covered in a fiber glass roof and plywood walls is where they cook and we sit and eat. Very rustic.
This was their menu. That's it. As for beverages apple juice, coffee, or water from the jug on the table.
They sold pottery from Don's place around the corner as well as their apple juice, organic flour, honey, and granola.

After dinner we were ready to head back to the farm, but first we had quite an ordeal on the phone with the taxi service. He couldn't understand a word we were saying... He finally picked us up and off we go. His cab smelled bad and Ena lowered the window the minute the doors shut. He tried to ask me some questions, but I was giving him all the wrong answers because I couldn't understand what he was saying, so Ena helped translate where she could.  At one point this man asked us if we were staying in a tent? Apparently you can camp at Trill Farm? However, Ena was quick to let him know we weren't and that we were staying inside the actual farmhouse.  Not much else was said after this! HA!

We get back to our room at the farm and catch another couple of spiders in a cup to later toss out the window because Ena wouldn't let me kill them like I wanted to.  I think in all we caught 6 spiders and 1 fly in that cup.  I must admit I did kill one spider in the bathroom behind Ena's back. Sorry, but it startled me and had to be punished.
Our room at Trill Farm
Our bathroom. I was actually surprised that we had our own bathroom.
Kitchen in the common area downstairs
Common area downstairs. No TV.
Day 2 coming up next...


1 comment:

  1. Piccalilli is amazing! Looks like a great place to visit. I am curious about the wading in the water ....
