Monday, January 17, 2011

St. Brides Church

If you have not seen St. Brides Church on Fleet Street you definitely need to.

It's a beauty designed by Christopher Wren (he's a pretty big deal in the architectural world and stuff) he worked on it in the 1600's... but this is the 7th church on this site... churches on this site dates back some 2000 years...

It even has US connections: One particular course of events centered on St Bride's played no small part in worsening relations between Britain and its transatlantic colony which eventually culminated in the War of Independence. On 18th June 1764 lighting struck the steeple of St Bride's and destroyed eight feet of it. A Royal Society committee was appointed to decide the best method of safeguarding buildings, particularly whether pointed lightning rods, invented by Benjamin Franklin, should be used. Unfortunately, Franklin was seen as the wicked spokesman of disaffected American colonists and George III insisted that blunt knobs were better than pointed ends. When the President of the Royal Society pleaded that "I cannot reverse the laws of nature", the King replied "Then you are not fit to be President!". Franklin eventually gave up on England and returned to America.

St. Brides has seen the plague in 1665 (it lost 2,111 members) and the Great Fire of 1666 not to mention the war...  In its crypt you will find over 200 skeletons due to the plague... eeeek!

A lot is said about this church... one being...Without this church we may not have the tiered wedding cake that we know and love to this day. The spire of St. Brides Church is said to have inspired the tiered wedding cake.  Just look at the picture... can't you see why!
St. Brides Church

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