Thursday, January 20, 2011

Trenta? Seriously?

I just read this and I'm a bit shocked that Starbucks would go this route... are they trying to turn into Sonic (If you don't know what Sonic is I am sorry and you seriously need to find one right now because they are fantastic)... This is one case where I think big isn't always better. Please don't bring these "trenta's" to the UK.

What I just read:
Is this necessary?!
On May 3rd, Starbucks will have an additional drink size option - the largest ever, 31-ounce Trenta!
The Trenta, which is seven ounce larger than the Venti, will be available for iced coffee, iced tea and iced tea lemonade drinks in the US. And it will cost 50 cents more than their previously largest size!
The company claims it was responding to customer demand for larger cold beverages.
The Trenta size will debut in 14 states, including Virginia, Georgia, Florida, Texas, Hawaii and Arizona, on January 18th and in California on Feb. 1st. The rest will come in May.
But Starbuck suggests that just because the size is bigger, doesn't mean that it is bad for you. The chain said unsweetened drinks in Trenta will have fewer than 90 calories, while sweetened versions will have less than 230 calories.


No Cheers on this one,

1 comment:

  1. In the UK they are also switching their heavy mugs for bone china cups, which of course are actually made of cattle bones. No more Starbucks for me!
