Saturday, February 26, 2011

3 nights in Bangkok

On the 11.5+ hour nonstop flight to Bangkok we realized that not only do a lot of people walk around bare foot, but they even go into the plane bathroom bare foot. That's gross people! Please know you are stepping in pee and who knows what else. I now ask you to please stop it!

We flew Thai Airways and they were fantastic! One of the best I have flown.  Beautiful uniforms, very nice attendants, a TON OF FREE BOOZE, and constantly feeding you. You also have a bit more room than the average flight.
Le Meridien Bangkok Hotel (stayed in room 1022)

We landed, get in the airport taxi and head to Le Meridien Bangkok located just across the street from Patpong Market (a racy area that has a night market) this is where we learned what all the "sexy show" menu items were. We were silly enough to ask, but not interested enough to go in and see.

The above picture is the landmark across the street that we used for knowing we were on the right street or not to go to the Skytrain (public transportation) We LOVE the Skytrain. It is clean, has air conditioning, even tv's inside showing commercials, they use arrows on the platform for people to stand on to keep things orderly when loading and unloading each car. It was amazing. It was also REALLY cheap.

When we checked into the hotel our room wasnt ready yet...we needed to wait around for 4+ hours... This meant we would go sight seeing in jeans, long sleeve shirts, etc... in 90+ degree humid sunshine. I didn't even have a pony tail holder for my hair or sunglasses!
I had to use Ena's scarf which made me look ridiculous. Speaking of ridiculous look at our outfits below... we did not blend in well...
Ena decided to roll her jeans up
heat or not the camera is coming with me
More about Bangkok in a bit... I need to get ready for a brunch date... Chat soon!


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