Sunday, February 27, 2011


Bangkok at night 61 floors above ground

One night we ate on the rooftop of the Banyan Tree Hotel at their "Vertigo" restaurant by rooftop I mean 61st floor and absolutely no roof.  Tables started a mere 2 feet from the edge of the building. I don't think this would fly in the States but whatevs... we were of course seated at one of the tables by the edge, but not before I was told that shorts and flip flops were not allowed. My shorts went to my knees so it wasnt like I was trying to be a "hoochie" at Vertigo... Nonetheless, I was handed polyester grandma pants that were a few sizes to small for me (like 6 inches from buttoning, were they kids??) and what looked like 1960's garden shoes that have been worn by many... Seriously???!!!  It was out of control. I LOOKED LIKE A FOOL!!
Putting on my complimentary clothes - GROSS!
I sucked it up put on the ridiculous "complimentary" clothing and then headed up stairs.  Ena is afraid of heights so she sat in the farthest chair from the edge. I surprisingly was fine. 

The view of Bangkok was amazing. One of the coolest views of a city that I have ever seen. It never ended. Simply Breathtaking. The sunset occurred during dinner which was pretty cool.
Vertigo Restaurant at Banyan Tree Hotel

Here are some pictures of our Vertigo Adventure (Ena has the picture of me about to throw up while putting on my complimentary clothes)
see how close my chair is to the edge...
The menus were huge!
The food was cute!
more Bangkok coming soon!

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