Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Musee de Louvre

I can not count the number of museums that I have strolled through in my 35 years, but I can say that the Louvre is one of the finest museums that I have ever visited.

If you ever go to Paris do not leave that city without visiting the Louvre. If you do... shame on you...

Some of my favorite items in the Louvre:
Aphrodite, known as the "Venus de Milo"
Psyche and Cupid
The Winged Victory of Samothrace
through that crowd on the wall in that some what tiny frame is de Vinci's  "Mona Lisa"
The Raft of the Medusa (that guy would NOT get out of the way) I have also been to the grave site of the guy that painted this bad boy.
this isnt really one of my favorites but I'm throwing it in just because it was used for the cover a Coldplay album
Captive (the Dying Slave), Michelangelo - let me just say that not having a zillion people in the background of this shot took a lot of patience.

There is a ton more, but I'd need days to list all the fabulous items inside the Louvre. You should really just go see it for yourself. It's pretty damn awesome.


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