Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Dear Zagat,
I completely disagree.  I recently ate at Chilango on Fleet Street and was disappointed.  I got rice when I asked for no rice "TWICE", the chicken was a bit fatty (gross and unacceptable!) and they charge a £1 for a spoonful of guacamole (not good and not worth it...their chunks of red onion were WAY too big for gauc...not to mention some kind of heat coming from it...whats up with the spice?? not needed...not wanted in gauc.)... I got it to go and sat in a cute park along the Embankment and dug into this burrito that I have heard so much about.   My opinion...It was average at best. #1? No way.

Tortilla Mexican Grill still has you beat by a mile or more.

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