Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Thailand Truck Ride...

I forgot to share a photo from my recent Thailand adventure...
In the back of the truck. Not happy.

The one where we had to ride in the bed of a ragged tiny truck driven by scary looking men who could not speak English. We didn't know what they were saying, but knew from the tone they were not being nice.  We took the word of the rude ladies from the scamming ferry ride ticket place that this is how we were to get to to the pier where the ferry boat was that would then to us to Phi Phi Pier to then get on a longtail boat to get to our resort on Koh Phi Phi.

We reluctantly piled in the back of this thing.  I was waiting for a machete to come out at any second with drastic decisions to then be made, but after 15 or so painfully long minutes we arrived exactly where we needed to be.

I know what you are thinking... It was just a ragged truck that you had to ride in for a mere 15 minutes in a place far far away from home with men you don't know and understand, why worry?  No, I say. This was just not a short ride in a truck.

THIS WAS THE FIRST TIME IN 24 YEARS THAT I HAD RIDDEN ON THE BACK OF TRUCK.  You see... when I was around 11 years old my brother made me ride on the back of his truck instead of inside the cab with him, his stupid girlfriend, and stupid cousin.  The truck bed had a dry rotted floor and wasn't "safe" so I had to sit on the just waxed metal toolbox. You would of thought that they would know better since they were older or that my grandparents would of said NO WAY when they saw me drive off sitting like that... Nope... Instead, a few minutes later while doing 45 mph around a curve I the barefoot 11 year old slid off that tool box, screamed my brothers name, passed out, hit the pavement chin first and woke a bit later a complete mess.  Had a guy not been sitting on his porch to pull me out of the rode when he did the on coming car would of hit me. A double whammy you could say... I'm also very lucky that a very skilled plastic surgeon was in the ER that night.

Soooo... Needless to say this 15 minute ride was torture. Reliving that day, that moment in my head the minute my skin touched the truck, the minute it drove off, every time we hit a bump... It was awful.

So kids... the moral of the story here is my brother is a jerk Don't ride in the back of a truck.

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