Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dr. Samuel Johnson

The other day I was roaming around Fleet Street exploring...
when I finally found Dr. Samuel Johnson's House.  Who? or What? is that you ask?
Dr. Johnsons House

"When a man is tired of London he is tired of life" - Dr. Samual Johnson

Dr. Samuel Johnson is a man who worked for years with a small group of friends compiling the first comprehensive English Dictionary.  He became known as "Dictionary Johnson" .
He and his friends piled into 17 Gough Square, EC4 and created one of the most important books every published.

Dr. Johnson was not a rich man, but instead a man dogged with debt. His reputation stood on the shoulders of the Dictionary.  His wife was proud of him, but sadly did not live to see the Dictionary published in 1755...she died in 1752.

Dr. Johnson lived in this house from 1748-1759. He was born 1709 (3 years after Ben Franklin) and died 1784.

The house is located off Fleet Street
Closest Tube Stations are: Temple, Chancery Lane, St. Pauls and Blackfriars.
Bus: Aldwych, Chancery Lane, Fleet Street, Strand.
Telephone: 020-7353-3745
Hours: Mon-Sat 11-5pm
 - Closed Bank Holidays.

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