Friday, March 4, 2011

Koh Phi Phi Island, Thailand

3 nights in Koh Phi Phi Island....

What were some of the high lights?

me on the long tail boat on my way to our resort which is in the distance on the left... the villas built into the hillside...
The beginning of our hike through the jungle to get to Ton Sai
The View Point!
  • The amazing view almost everywhere you looked.
  • The infinity pool at Villa 360 where we stayed and took nightly swims
  • The long tail boat ride around all of Phi Phi Islands
  • Seeing the beaches where they filmed a lot of the scenes from the movie "The Beach" were filmed (Leonardo Dicaprio)
  • Surviving the most daring walk/hike of my life through the jungle in flip flops and a sundress ~ the hike involved a narrow path, an even more narrow ledge on a cliff (think death here) that involved a rope and later one of the most amazing view points that I have ever seen and even a guardian angel that eventually help guide us to backpackers heaven known as "Ton Sai"
  • I also really liked the resort next door "Phi Phi Island Village Resort"
  • My $6 elephant sundress
  • The free happy hour from 5-6pm at our resort, Villa 360!! Bartenders were very nice and spoke fairly decent English.
  • Seeing the sun rise and the commercial fishermen working on the boats on my boat ride back to the airport was a really pretty scene

What were some of the low lights?
  • The 3 inch cockroach I killed with a pink complimentary croc shoe in our bathroom (fyi we stayed in Villa E2 at Villa 360) Granted were in living on a hillside in the middle of a jungle... but still... no matter where you are no one wants that in their bathroom.
  • That we hardly knew how to say Thank You in Thai
  • That hardly anyone spoke English at our resort
  • The adult frog that we found clinging to our shower wall on night 2
  • The free hotel breakfast... minus the fruit... had no covers.... so flies were all over it. I can do that many flies on my food. Just can't.
  • Our boat guy spoke no English. So we think at one point he was asking us for more money even though we had already paid through the hotel... but because he couldn't speak English and we couldn't speak Thai... we have no idea why he was saying "200 Baht each" when we got to Maya Beach
  • At Monkey Beach there were only 3 scared monkeys in the tree and a ton of rude obnoxious tourists trying to feed them when there were signs ALL OVER THAT SAID DO NO NEED THE MONKEYS. We stayed there about 5 minutes and left.
  • That we didn't know before we booked our flight that there was not a ferry at that time to take us back to the airport. We found out once we got there that we would need to hire a private speed boat to take us to the airport. That private speed boat cost us $300 each. Totally ridiculous. Good for the island people with boats and bad for the tourists that did not know a head of time...
  • Getting into that boat by myself at 6am with 3 men who spoke little English was also a scary.  The choppy waters didn't help much either.
Am I glad I went? Totally. It was a total adventure!
Would I go back? No, not unless I knew the language.

Here a some pictures of my time on Koh Phi Phi Island:
Viking Cave ~ I believe they hunt Bird Nests here for bird nest soup...Seriously.
View from our balcony

Location: Where they filmed the movie "THE BEACH"
Our pool. I loved it so.
Taking the long tail boat out for a little spin
this kind of looks like a snail to me...

The End of Thailand...


1 comment:

  1. Got the same picture from the viking cave and "the beach" !! BUt felt like "the beach" has had too many tourists visit it, as it wasn't very clean... but maybe it was just that one time. What did you think?
