Thursday, March 3, 2011

An American Girl in Chelsea

I have been reading a blog called "An American Girl in Chelsea" for quite some time.
I just love it and try to tell people about it all the time. It's a really great site.

Today I was told through a friend that my company "London in a Day" was mentioned and I nearly lost it with excitement.  I immediately went to the site and now to this site to share it with all of you.

So cool!  Thanks American Girl in Chelsea!

Here's the post:

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Southern Belle turns London Tour Guide...

I was recently contacted by American Girl, Wendy, a self-proclaimed "Southern Belle" who has started her own tour company here in London. I had to give her a shout-out....

Wendy specializes in unique tours of the city which are stress-free and affordable. She can let you see all of London in less than 6 hours without needing a map- and without the worry of getting lost.

If you are busy at work, and need to entertain family and friends this sounds like a good way to do it! Here's her website: London in a Day.


  1. Hi Wendy - Are you still doing tours? I will be in London in November with a friend who has never been. I would love to hire you, if you are still doing tours. I've read your blog for so long, it would feel more like getting a tour from someone I know, rather than someone random. Thanks!

  2. Hi, I am still doing tours, but more freelance at this point. What date were you thinking? What kind of tour are you wanting? Thanks.
