Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Muffin Man

I recently checked out the Muffin Man at 12 Wrights Lane, London W8 7TA (High Street Kensington Tube)

From the outside it looks cute enough. I step in and it is seriously outdated.  I felt like I had either stepped back in time or I showed up 40 years too soon.

For a place to be called "The Muffin Man" I expected more... well... ya know... to see MUFFINS... There were roughly 6 Muffin options maybe? It was hard to tell because I had to look through this foggy tupperware container to peek in at the muffins. I kindda found the old school tupperware funny.

Then I realized they only took cash... so off to the ATM...

Came back and I ordered a decaf capp and poached eggs on "brown" toast.
My friend ordered tea and the world's TINIEST SCONE. I have never seen such a small scone. It made me laugh out loud.

Was it tasty? Yes.
Were the prices good? Yeah
Would I go back? Maybe... just because I live so close... No other reason.
What would I change if I were them? The "tips not includes bucket" by the register. Those things really annoy me. If you want a tip, how about adding more service to the experience... like check to see if we want anything else ?  Or asking how was everything during our meal?  This is one of those places were when you are done you go to the register to pay...
What did the waitstaff do? Took our order and brought our food. The end.  No more than a bartender does when you go to the pub and you don't tip them in this country??

Anyways... I have no problem tipping when there is a reason and in this case I see no reason.  However, my friend paid before I did and she put money in and so I then felt obligated... so I threw in a £1... I was having a weak moment what can I say...

Now let's get to the food picture: