Friday, May 6, 2011

Beijing: Top 10 Weird Things

Beijing: Top 10 Weird Things:
Baby Turtle anyone? No, the answer is simply no.
We are home from China and I have so much to share that I don't even know where to begin.  I think I'll start with weird things that happened on the trip.
Scorpions and Sea Horses on a stick. Not your ordinary carnival treat.

  1. Every person we saw coughed and spit everywhere! Never covering their mouth. It started on the plane with the guy next to me spitting gobs of stuff in his barf bag as if his life depended on it. I'm sure it was full by the time we landed. Gross.  I was in full force with my antibacterial products that I was packing so much that I could have been recruited into Team 6.  Spit EVERYWHERE.
  2. The couple that thought it was ok to change an infant boys diaper on the tray table of their seat with no cover. I immediately found someone that could translate to the flight attendant "PLEASE MAKE SURE THEY NEVER TRY ANYTHING LIKE THAT AGAIN". Take that kind of stuff to the bathroom.
  3. Senior citizen tour groups everywhere wearing red hats banning together in a ball and charging through already overcrowded areas.
  4. Seeing Marinated Baby Turtle on the menu ~ Who needs to eat a cute turtle?
  5. Scorpions on a stick (still moving) at the market
  6. Sea horses on a stick at the food market ~ Who needs to eat a sea horse?
  7. Our private tour guide to the Great Wall kept ramming his bare finger up his nose digging away so deep that I'm sure there was brain on it when it exited his nose. I was sitting next to him in the front seat. Then after nose digging he'd bite his nails.  It was almost a 2 hour drive of this. So I took a short nap. 
  8. The "earth toilets". The smell of urine was unbelievable.  No doors and sometimes no walls. Just 5 or 6 earth toilets in an open room with no toilet paper. I'm not that carefree. I won't even change my shirt in front of my own mother.  I did actually have to finally use one, but mine had walls and a door! Let me just say that it is not easy to use an earth toilet.
  9. Public toilets not offering toilet paper. I read this before I left so I was prepared, but actually seeing this come true took some getting use to. Even in the nice malls sometimes there would be no toilet paper not even a place for toilet paper to be.
  10. People pushing us or telling us to get out of the way when they were taking pictures.  I can handle the telling, but keep your hands off me.  
Earth toilet
Tour Groups resting from all their unnecessary pushing and steam rolling.


  1. I had the same type of experience in Shangahi. I have no desire to go back to China anytime soon.

  2. Glad to know. We were were actually debated between Shanghai or Hong Kong. Hong Kong was better than Beijing in my opinion. The people were nicer and the "control your coughing" signs everywhere seemed to help with that.
