Friday, May 27, 2011

Blognic: A picnic for bloggers

We're excited to announce a summer blognic for design/craft bloggers + friends! 
We will be in Regent's Park, just north of the Park Street West entrance, above the children's playground. Map here. If you can't find us there, keep going North until you see the Blognic sign.
Please register to give us an idea of numbers and to keep up to date with any changes Email if you have any queries.
It is a very casual event, but please don't be afraid to come alone - we will think of some networking activity and are a friendly bunch!
Feel free to share this on your blog and tweet using #blognic - hope to see you there!
Ellie (Home Shopping Spy) and Lynne (Tea for Joy.)

Register for free tickets here: Tickets!

By the way, I'll be there so I hope I see you there!

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