Saturday, June 4, 2011

Barcelona: Fun, Sun, Protest and Bird Poop?

Barcelona was so much fun and very relaxing.
Too cute! A dog gettin' his pose on

A stroll by the beach
yes, that is a tree house that one of the many protesters lives in during the protest over unemployment in the city center. I actually saw 2 tree houses both with mattresses.  I also saw a bird eating another bird in the fountain, but I think I'll not show that picture. Its gross.
yep, thats really a naked man walking on the beach. His shorts were under his arm. He was the ONLY nude person on the beach.
Very cute egg stand at the fabulous food market
Ummm... is that? Yes! eeekK! eww!
Gaudi designed this beauty

Another Gaudi beauty. The roof of this one resembles the scales of a dragon
Elvis? Is that you?
Barcelona victory celebration in La Rambla ~ The red to the right is where someone just set off a flare. A flare?! We had just walked off right before they set the trash can to our left on fire.

I'm pretty sure this kid woke up sore the next day
Uh oh! Yep! That's fresh bird poop alright. Sorry, dude!

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