Sunday, June 5, 2011

Britain's Richest Street Revealed

I read the below and just had to share. Mostly because I live a 5 minute walk from Kensington Palace (former home of Princess Diana) and I walk by this street all the time and had no idea.
Even though they said you can't go down it for a stroll, I'm not so sure that's correct because I'm pretty sure I've walked down it before. Granted there are gates and sometimes guards, but when the gates are open I help myself to a little stroll from time to time... I could be thinking of a different street but I don't think so...
In Nashville I lived in the same subdivision as a member of the country band SheDaisy (yeah, don't worry no one ever knows who that is) and up the street from a Grand Ole Opry legend Stonewall Jackson, but I think Britain's Richest Street may beat that? hmm... does it help if the Homes of Country Music Stars tour buses use to pass my street every day? yeah, I didn't think so...
Posted: 01 Jun 2011 03:40 PM PDT
The Daily Mail (we read it for amusement) recently published an article about the most expensive streets in Britain and surprise – the most expensive one is in London.
It’s a street so exclusive – you can’t even go down it for a stroll as it’s protected by diplomatic security services.
Property on Kensington Palace Gardens is so expensive – it costs £1,193 per square feet (about $1600 USD).
Here’s a picture:


  1. You can definitely walk down this street. A friend of mine told me about it a month or so ago and said it was her favorite way to walk home so she walks along it all the time. She also said that sometimes she sees the diplomats kids riding tricycles around the street while their armed body guards watch them play. Can you imagine?

  2. believe it or not, it's my job to know about things like this! though really I have the Times' Rich List on my desk to look for eligible bachelors ;)

  3. You can definitely walk down it- I walk Larry down it all the time. It's one of my favourite streets to walk around the hood bc it's so ridic!! You've gotta go check it out! Don't let the guards scare you! :)
