Saturday, June 25, 2011

The cutest part of our visit to Nashville!

While we were visiting my grandparents my two nieces, my great niece and nephew and my brother come over to visit with us.  I hadn't seen any of them in a very long time so it was real nice to catch up.

The best part of the whole day was playing with Madison (my great niece) she's a little over 2 years old and has just recently broke out of cast on her right leg.  You would never be able to tell it though because that little girl is fearless.
Madison~ So cute!

I was afraid she wouldn't remember me or not want to be around me because I may seem like a stranger since I only see her a couple times a year, but we were fast friends (smile).  She took me by the hand and walked me all over the yard in search for a horse (yes a real horse) "Blacky".  Blacky was at the neighbors and we weren't going to see it so another horse that was actually in the pasture at my gp's had to do.  She was not afraid of that horse one bit. She even made me pet it.  I couldn't believe that I actually let her talk me into it, but she did.  If you have allergies as bad as I do a horse is the last thing you want to pet.
Next up, she picked me a flower (aka a weed with a bud on it) and then asked me to pick that flower and pointed to a thistle (bad idea) so I attempted and of course pricked my finger with its sharp thorns.  The minute I said ouch she had to see my boo-boo.  I was bleeding and that made her very concerned (imagine the most adorable 2 year old face here).  I wiped away the blood and she wanted to know where the boo-boo went... I said "its still there" she said "but I don't see it" (concerned face here)... so then I proceeded to squeeze it to make it bleed (I swear I was under her spell at this point)... this went on for a few more times... then we moved on to teaching her how to throw rocks down the driveway (probably not the smartest thing I've done, but it was fun!)... we did some chasing... some falling... oh yeah and I took her for a ride on the 4 wheeler! I think I was 12 the last time I drove a 4 wheeler so I was a bit nervous taking her for a ride on it, but I went  -1 mph so we were good... 
Wendy and Madison
She was SOOO much fun!  It was great getting to spend some quality time with her.  My little nephew, Jake is around 10 months old so he's not as active as Madison... maybe next time him and I will get to hang a bit more.

I forgot my camera (so unlike me...sad face...) so unfortunately these are the only two pictures I have (Thanks to Mike and his blackberry camera)

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