Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Camden Market
Open 7 days a week with Sunday being the busiest.

After being under every color shade of grey sky imaginable the last few months the sun decided to show itself again yesterday.  I took advantage and off to check another item off my "to visit" list...  Camden Market here I come!

I got to the tube station and realized I forgot to get directions... This is actually something I do drives Mike crazy... I'm pretty optimistic and for some reason I always think "oh I'll find it no worries"... So I get to the map and realized there is a Camden Town and a Camden Road station... I decided one of them will get me there... so I went with Camden Town...

I exit and see a sign for Camden Market. Bingo! My spidey sense is spot on once again!

I walk out of the station and immediately look around and think "Uh Oh" I was not expecting the amount of Pierced Punk Glam that was quickly surrounding me.  Once I took a couple of deep breaths I realized I may be in the mood for another tat or piercing who knows, after all I'm not THAT old yet... so I begin strolling the streets and taking it all in.

There is so much to see in Camden.

Camden Stables... Very cool area... be careful to watch where you are walking I almost walked right into this horse head while trying to fight off the urge to buy the most beautiful donut that I have ever seen.

Now this is a store wannabe club called Cyberdog. Those two things in the back are dancers. Bad Ones. There was a downstairs that was more dramatic than what you see here.  The place was packed, but I didn't see anyone buying anything. I was confused before I went in and I was confused when I left.
For a laid back people watching session I recommend grabbing something at one of the hundred or so eateries and pulling up a seat here. From the liberal yuppie like myself to the punk glam that uses this area as their daily catwalk Camden Market will not disappoint.

There is also a place called the Camden Lock Village, its a mix of food and shops, oh and this weird booth that sign read "HOT WATER", I peaked in and it was 2 plywood benches, with homemade piping, and a faucet over 10 clear plastic buckets of water filled with FISH. It is a truly nasty nasty nasty version of the flesh eating fish pedicures that the States has banned.  A hippie type dude was running the booth. I'm not sure if he was packing a permit for those buckets of flesh eaters either. Needless to say, he had Zero customers.
Did I buy anything on this journey. No, but I feel like I came home with everything. 
I felt so young, inspired, full of life and thinking of what Disney character tattoo I should get to go with my new blue hair (kidding)

For the journey back to yuppie-ville, I decided to hop a bus, so I get on 27 go to the upper deck, grab the front seat, and watch as half of London passes me by. What a great way to see the city. I made notes for things to visit later on my blackberry and even passed by the house where Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, I never knew that happened in London (house is near Paddington station). I also spotted a cute pub with a great patio called the Monkey Puzzle that I plan to visit on the next sunny day...

I love this city.


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