Saturday, April 17, 2010

Iceland causes chaos

I love to travel, but for once am thankful we don't have travel plans on the books for a few weeks.  I'm sure you've heard that Iceland has a volcano erupting and causing havoc on the airports.

Here are just a few crazy things that are happening because of this little volcano:

  • Flights in/out of Europe are canceled and costing the airline industry millions a day, causing thousands of people to be stranded and the backlog will take days if not weeks to clean up once the planes are back in the sky
  • Addison Lee (a London taxi service) are getting calls for trips to places as far as Paris, Milan, Brussels, and Amsterdam
  • Actor John Cleese paid $4k for a taxi after his flight was canceled
  • French bike shops are selling out of bikes due to ferries selling out of walk-on tickets and only having bikes/car tickets available
  • Trains are increasing their schedules to carry an extra 8k-10k passengers a day to help get people where they need to go
  • The ticket line at some train companies are so long they are giving out free coffee
  • People on limited budgets are becoming homeless when their hotel stays are up
  • The Eurostar train services to and from Brussels and Paris were sold out
  • In the 1800's an eruption was so bad that it lasted for a year... lets hope that doesn't happen this time!
  • In 1783 an eruption was so bad it killed around 10,000 Europeans ~ Ouch! Lets hope that doesn't happen either!
If you are stranded in London I highly recommend having dinner at The Ebury (Sloane Square/ Pimlico Rd)  It's a gastro pub and oh so delicious! Not to mention excellent service.

or if you want to catch a show, you MUST see WICKED. I could go on and on about this play, but I won't. At least not right now. Just go see it.

As for markets...check out: Bricklane, Camden, and of course Portobello. Each are very different and well worth visiting.

The Ebury
11 Pimlico Road
London SW1W 8NA
Phone #020 7730 6784
Goodluck travelers I wish you clear skies!


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