Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Fabulous Day

So it started out with me getting 2 calls about a job. Then at 230pm I had a great interview with a recruiter and have some fabulous things starting to brew. While I was in the interview 2 more people called about a job. Apparently they all got together and decided to wait and call all at once.

Here is a great picture I snapped when the interviewer left the room for a minute. Yes, I mean the Barrack Obama quote... basically all of these quotes on this board were from Americans. There was also one from Yoda. Not sure we can count Yoda as an American though.

So then I had to rush back home to change clothes to head to a Networking Group happy hour event thing that I decided to join. So on the way to St. Pauls station the tube gets packed. I mean uncomfortably packed. I actually had to say "Excuse me, but I'm going to need to get out that door somehow". I  decided I needed to get a picture for the blog. The picture doesn't really give it justice though. Just look closely. The people standing outside are the ones that could not get on because it was too full.

So I arrived at the Red Herring near St. Pauls Cathedral for the networking happy hour.  It was a nice newly renovated pub, staff was very nice which is somewhat rare in London and the ladies that I met were all so nice and fun to talk too.  Hopefully I will see them again soon.  I'm definitely going to the next event.

It's just been a fabulous day all around, I wake up to my husband hugging me, I open my eyes to sunlight, job prospects all over the place, a nice email from a close friend back home, and then a wonderful happy hour meeting new people and making new friends.

Heck, I even conquered my quest of figuring out what garden in my neighborhood is the one from the movie "Notting Hill" out of the blue my interviewer brought up the movie and happened to date a girl who lives across from that garden. I was so happy about that I nearly asked him to go grab a pint at the pub on the corner.  It's pretty rare that something that random is brought up during an interview. It was like he has been listening to my inner thoughts... ok now I'm spooked out.

Anywho, today totally kicked ass and I dare tomorrow to try to kick today's ass.

Red herring may refer to:

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