Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Melissa Stewart Photography~LONDON, UK

So over the weekend we celebrated our 6th anniversary in London and as a gift to ourselves (me) we splurged and bought a Nikon D3000 and even got the zoom lens! I'm so excited to see what I can do with it.  That being said... That purchase inspired me to write about my favorite London based photographer Melissa Stewart.

What's her story? D.C. native, moved to New York City where her photographs took the city by storm, and then moved to London a few years ago and plans to do the same here. Watch out Annie Leboweitz!

Where has her work been shown?  Her photographs have been shown in Croatia, London, San Francisco, Brooklyn, New York City, Montana and soon worldwide. Also, Nylon Magazine, The Daily Telegraph, All Access Magazine, and TimeOut New York just to name a few...

What's her specialty? Portraits (commercial and editorial portraiture), but also skilled in other areas.

How to contact her? www.melissastewartphoto.com  or email her @ melissa@melissastewartphoto.com

My favorite part of www.melissastewartphoto.com: her shots of Russia, Ukraine and her photoblog. I love the picture of the woman with the flowy dress on the rocks.

Want to see a few of her pictures? Of course you do!

If you like her work, definitely share it, tell someone, give them her website, post her website in your facebook/twitter/linkedin/myspace status

Now if only my new Nikon D3000 can make me take pictures like these! Fingers Crossed!

Here is to Melissa Stewart Photography taking London by storm!



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