Thursday, April 29, 2010

Interviews & Poodles

Lately my head has been swimming with all the phone interviews, in person interviews, applying for jobs to get interviews, etc...  QVC is going to be VERY part-time for now so I need back up.

In today's interview with a lovely woman by the name of Alison, after reviewing me resume (CV as they call it in the UK) she could quickly see it was all sales/marketing related... She asked me at what age did I decided that sales was for me.  I said honestly probably as a toddler, she looked at me as if I was a bit crazy. I explained to her that I loved money and I would do anything to have money in my hand at all times, I'm talking sleeping with it in my hand type love, it given to me when I was crying to hush me up, You know "Hush Money"...

But the defining moment was probably when I was 10 at the flea market with my grandparents.  I had some money to spend from some work I had done to earn I was wandering around looking for that special purchase.  There it was a POODLE! Much like the one in the picture, minus the pacifier.

Since I was allergic to animals one would think this was a crazy purchase. It probably was.  As I was walking around the flea market with my new dog, a man asked me how much the poodle was selling for... I was a bit shocked on the inside, but remember keeping my poker face. I said, "How much are you willing to pay for this adorable poodle?"  He told me and I said SOLD.  I more than doubled my money!! Cha-Ching! Bye Bye Poodle! Hello Dollah-Bills yall!

It was the biggest rush I had ever had at that point in my life.  At that point I fell in love with the rush of making a deal especially when it involved me winning big time!

I was a 10 year old Carlos Slim (world's richest man at the moment, by the way, he & I share the same birthday)

I went to meet up with my grandparents and no longer had the Poodle.  My grandmother immediately thought what I did was awful, but my grandfather had the world's biggest grin, he was so proud of me! Heck, I doubled my money! Get with it Granny! That poodle would of only held me back.

And a few years later... I'm still getting those rush's after making deals!  If you know me, you know I love a deal of any kind.


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