Saturday, August 21, 2010

Third Reich Tour

So I gotta be honest... my mind is not currently on writing this blog, but instead on my "Bread on the Coast" trip that starts tomorrow morning... no worries there will for sure be a blog about it... I'm terribly excited about this one for some reason...  Anywho... Back to Munich...

So to wrap up our last day in Munich we woke up early and caught the 10:15am Third Reich Tour that was 2.5 hours of walking around the city... Juliet was our tour guide.  She knew what she was talking about, but was very text book (aka boring tone sort of thing)... Anyways... Off we go...

First stop a little garden area type place in the Adolf Hof where Hitler use to sketch when he was studying to be an architect. He was actually pretty good.  He sketched the scene in the picture below too bad he didn't stay an architect:
This is Hitler's Sketch.

Then we were off to the upstairs banquet room in the Hofbrauhaus that you saw in an either post...
if I'm not mistaken it's now a Four Season.
Above is the hotel where Hitler made a deal on some land with Chamberlain that probably wasn't the best deal that Chamberlain ever made...

The gold bricks are on a street that's known as Dodger's Alley.  It is there so people can remember that not everyone was a Nazi. They took this little street to avoid having to salute to the soldiers guarding each end of it.  Stupid Nazi's.

This moment is to remember 4 students that were executed for speaking against the Nazi's.
This monument has an eternal flame, but you can't see it in this picture. It is to remember the Jewish people that were killed during the Nazi era.  The cage/block style is to represent how the people felt during that time. Not sure how they would feel, but I feel it's too small.
A publisher and his stupid wife use to live in this stupid house and throw stupid lavish parties for Hitler to help raise money for his stupid cause.
The Opera House that Hitler frequented often. Apparently he not only liked being an asshole with a bad mustache, but he also loved Opera.
The house for the Brown Shirts use to stand on this brown patch of dirt.  Now there is just a blow up pool.  That makes me laugh.  Stupid Brown Shirts.
This building is now a Theater, but it use to be the building where Hitler met all his foreign leaders that would visit.

All those people that followed him thought he was such a strong man and then in the end he killed himself which in my opinion was the most cowardly thing he could of done. 

So that's the end of that...


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