Friday, March 11, 2011

a dear friend...

If you are crafty and have never read the blog then you should... go do that right after reading the blurb below...  I'm not saying that just because she mentioned my company "London in a Day" either (smile) She really is good.  She even taught me how to sew.  She's the only person in the world that can that.  She's an artist and her recipe cards can be spotted all over the USA at the coolest store ever "Anthrologie".  Her latest venture is 1canoe2 (click the link to learn more)

Now on with the news.... 

Per her blog on March 4, 2011:

From one friend to another..

A dear friend has started a new company and I just had to help spread the word

Wendy specializes in unique tours of the city which are stress-free and affordable. She can show you all of London in less than 6 hours without needing a map- and without the worry of getting lost.

There is finally a reason to stay off that tour bus!

If you are busy at work, and need to entertain family and friends this is a great way to do it! A long layover? Traveling alone? London in a Day is the answer!

Tours also make a great gift!

Check out her website: London in a Day.

Contact info:

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